Saw this and thought would share. This may be a good opportunity for funding for youths in your community. Youth Arts Open Fund | YouthLink Scotland A new round of the Youth Arts Open Fund has been launched. The fund, worth almost £500,000, will support children and young people living in poverty and those who face significant barriers to opportunity. Using arts and creativity to engage children and young people has a huge impact on their learning, mental health, and development, and builds their confidence and skills. Applications are being invited from projects and artists in your local area. The Youth Arts Open Fund is administered by YouthLink Scotland (the national agency for youth work in Scotland) and is funded by the Scottish Government through Creative Scotland. Lynn Shaw Community Participation and Development
Media Release
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Students Urged to Ensure Their Vaccines Are Up to Date Before the New Semester Lanarkshire’s public health team are encouraging students across Lanarkshire, who are heading off to college or university, to ensure their vaccinations are up to date. Infectious diseases such as meningitis, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and measles can spread easily in universities and colleges and being vaccinated offers the best protection against these diseases. Students are 11 times more likely to develop invasive meningococcal disease, which causes meningitis and septicaemia. The meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine helps to protect against these very serious diseases. This is just one of the infectious diseases students can be susceptible to is not vaccinate and this is why we are urging local students to check their vaccines are up to date. Parts of the UK and other countries in Europe have been seeing an increase in the number of people getting measles, and evidence suggests students are at higher risk. That’s why it’s important to check you’ve had two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella and has saved over 4,500 lives across the UK. Dr Henry Prempeh, Health Protection Consultant and Immunisation Co-ordinator, said: “These diseases can be severe and, in some cases, life threatening and students who have not been vaccinated are at increased risk due to the large amounts of mixing with new people in enclosed spaces. “Vaccines are the best way to ensure protection and these are offered for free on the NHS in Scotland. These vaccines are offered as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule, however, if they’ve been missed, it’s not too late to catch up. “Ideally, they should be given at least two weeks before the new semester starts.” There is also still time to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, although most students will have received this at school. It helps protect against HPV-related cancers including head, neck and cervical cancer and also protects against over 90% of genital wart infections. To find out how you can get these vaccines, as well as any others you may be eligible for, please visit International students may also be able to get additional vaccines that were not available where they lived before. Lorraine Dick Senior Communications Officer NHS Lanarkshire Media Release
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Students Urged to Ensure Their Vaccines Are Up to Date Before the New Semester Lanarkshire’s public health team are encouraging students across Lanarkshire, who are heading off to college or university, to ensure their vaccinations are up to date. Infectious diseases such as meningitis, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and measles can spread easily in universities and colleges and being vaccinated offers the best protection against these diseases. Students are 11 times more likely to develop invasive meningococcal disease, which causes meningitis and septicaemia. The meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine helps to protect against these very serious diseases. This is just one of the infectious diseases students can be susceptible to is not vaccinate and this is why we are urging local students to check their vaccines are up to date. Parts of the UK and other countries in Europe have been seeing an increase in the number of people getting measles, and evidence suggests students are at higher risk. That’s why it’s important to check you’ve had two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella and has saved over 4,500 lives across the UK. Dr Henry Prempeh, Health Protection Consultant and Immunisation Co-ordinator, said: “These diseases can be severe and, in some cases, life threatening and students who have not been vaccinated are at increased risk due to the large amounts of mixing with new people in enclosed spaces. “Vaccines are the best way to ensure protection and these are offered for free on the NHS in Scotland. These vaccines are offered as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule, however, if they’ve been missed, it’s not too late to catch up. “Ideally, they should be given at least two weeks before the new semester starts.” There is also still time to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, although most students will have received this at school. It helps protect against HPV-related cancers including head, neck and cervical cancer and also protects against over 90% of genital wart infections. To find out how you can get these vaccines, as well as any others you may be eligible for, please visit International students may also be able to get additional vaccines that were not available where they lived before. Lorraine Dick Senior Communications Officer NHS Lanarkshire Felicity Wright <[email protected]>
23 Aug 2024, 11:58 (21 hours ago)Reply to meDear Nadara Community Member, As your group has in the past received a grant from one or more of the wind farm community Funds we administer on behalf of Nadara (following the merger of Ventient and Renantis), we have been asked by Nadara to share the following with you. Please note, this opportunity is additional and separate to ongoing funding opportunities available through the Nadara wind farm community Funds that we administer, and the scheme is being run directly by Nadara. Any queries about it should be directed to Nadara. Message from Nadara: We’re delighted to be able to let you know about our Call for Projects 2024 “Impact, Care, Connection” is aimed at supporting sustainable projects in the communities around our UK wind farms that are aligned to our core values. Do you or a group in your community have an idea for an initiative that can demonstrate our values in action? Tell us about it for the chance to receive up to £10,000 to deliver community-led actions that address sustainability issues that matter to your community. We are looking for innovative projects from a wide range of topics that:
Kind regards Erin Murchie, Community Relations Manager Click here to Shaw, Lynn
Thu, 1 Aug, 08:22 (4 days ago)Reply to Good Morning Yip its that time again ……………………White Rabbits White Rabbits White Rabbits!!!! Welcome to Altruistic August. Altruism is vital for the human race to survive and thrive; and each of our lives is supported by countless kind acts from other people. Yet in our world today, so much is directing us to think only about ourselves - and we often forget the happiness that comes by caring for others. Lets do one act of kindness each day august_2021.jpg (3508×2480) ( have a super day !! Lynn Shaw Community Participation and Development Communications and Strategy Service, Community Engagement Section Floor 1, South Lanarkshire Council Headquarters, Beckford Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA Mobile: 07384 907558 Phone: 0303 123 1017 email: [email protected] My working hours are: Monday to Wednesday 8.00am to 5.30pm and Thurs edit. Ann Sangster <[email protected]>Tue, 16 Jul, 11:50 (2 days ago)Reply
to me Hi there, Welcome All Hub at Carstairs Junction will be hosting our next Clydesdale Locality Surgery on Thursday 15th August. We will be based within the Welcome All Hub from 11am until 2pm so please come along and get to know us. There is no need to book an appointment - just turn up. We can help you with
We look forward to having a chat with you on 15th August. Take care, The Clydesdale Locality Team (Ann Sangster, Dougie Smith & Ashley Waner) VASLan Hamilton, ML3 0EW Tel: 01698 300390 Web: "Our mission is to shape strengthen and serve a strong, vibrant, empowered and Inclusive volunteering community and voluntary sector in South Lanarkshire" Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire is a registered: Scottish Charity (SC037696) and Company Limited by Guarantee (SC309701) Disclaimer Notice This message is private and confidential. If you receive this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system. Any views or opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the official views, opinions or policy of Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire. Please note that neither Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire nor sender accepts responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan attachments if any. All out going messages are scanned using Antivirus software. Shaw, LynnMon, 1 Jul, 10:54 (3 days ago)Reply
to A wee bit of a different email from me today with some information that you may find useful (for a change ). Some Scottish Government bulletins, consultations, and other information with links to articles/ advice recently published that might be of interest to you. Have a super day !!! £5.5m of funding being made available by the Scottish Government to support community climate hubs during 2024/25. The funding is to be distributed across the network of 20 Community Climate Action Hubs and will be used to support a range of projects ranging from small infrastructure projects like local energy generation and flood mitigation, to social programmes including environmental education, capacity building, promoting awareness of local issues or health and wellbeing activities linked to the environment. The Lanarkshire Climate Hub, based in Douglas Water will receive a further £480K of support to distribute to local projects over the next financial year. More information on the Lanarkshire Climate Hub, including examples of projects already supported, available through the second link. Community action to reach net zero - ( The Scottish Government is to double investment, from £2m to £4m, over the next financial year, in the Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association. The funding will be used to support free before and after school and holiday clubs, with activities aimed at children from families on low incomes, to help with food and childcare costs, and other cost of living issues. As a local community partner £126,220 to be awarded to the Blantyre Soccer Academy for the next year. More details on the programme available from the second link. Football activity club funding doubles to £4 million - ( Scottish FA Extra Time Programme Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) will scale up their successful childminder recruitment pilot programme across the country, with the help of £1m in funding from the Scottish Government, being rolled out in 50% of local authority areas in Scotland over the next year, with a target of increasing the number of people employed in child-minding by 1,000 during this period. As well as support through the registration process, a £750 start-up grant will be available for any newly-registered childminders completing the programme over the next year, to help set up their own business. Information on the SCMA available through the second link. Recruiting and retaining childminders - ( Home Page - Scottish Childminding Association The publication of the results from a research review by Social Security Scotland looking into the problem of how to gather evidence/ seek engagement with seldom heard groups and how this can contribute to the design of services/ increase the uptake of benefits, from these groups. Scottish social security system - seldom-heard groups: research - ( FAI article looking at problems with/ options for the design of a comprehensive method to measure the economic output of the voluntary/ third sector and how to gauge the financial contribution of the sector to the wider economy Measuring the voluntary sector | FAI ( Social Security Scotland news release on the rollout of the Carer Support Payment, which includes South Lanarkshire as a pilot authority. SSS have also launched a postcode checker to allow potential applicants the check whether they are eligible for the rollout of the next stage of the Carer Support Payment (the pilot area covers all postcodes in South Lanarkshire). A series of three information events on the new benefit are being hosted by SSS in late July/ August for stakeholders (inc practitioners from local government/ local public services, money and financial advice services, other third sector/ voluatnry groups, working with carers and people with disabilities), more background through the third link Social Security Scotland - Events The passing of new legislation to protect people who are experiencing mental health problems, if they are in debt or who have assets or a business, and are at risk of bankruptcy, from legal proceedings/ litigation for a period of at least 6 months. The Bankruptcy and Diligence (Scotland) Bill proposes giving the power to courts to bring in a pause on debt recovery action until 6 months after the person has finished treatment. Pause on debt recovery for people with mental ill health - ( Paper (pre-consultation) looking at options for the introduction of a infrastructure levy. The levy would be a charge payable to a local planning authority by a developer in that Council’s area, which would be intended to provide an extra funding stream to be spent by the local authority on the provision of infrastructure. The introduction of the infrastructure levy supports the infrastructure first approach as laid out in planning policy guidance NPF4, where provision of infrastructure is to be prioritised in all future local development plans. Infrastructure levy for Scotland: discussion paper - ( RTPI Scotland journal review of year 1 since the implementation of NPF4 issue-196_final.pdf ( The Scottish Governments response to the results from a recent consultation looking at options to ban the use of single use vapes Single-use vapes consultation: SG response - ( Launch of a consultation on a proposal to review and reform the role of Regional Strategic Bodies in the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions, with a view to disbanding both bodies and allowing the constituent colleges that the RSB’s cover to become regional colleges e.g. in the case of Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire College and New College Lanarkshire, the proposal would be for the Lanarkshire RSB to be replaced by a single regional college, with direct funding, strategic planning and accountability to the Scottish Funding Council. The consultation is open until the 20th September 2024. Review of the Regional Strategic Bodies within the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space Improvement Service announcement of the launch of the public service self-assessment performance framework for use by CPP’s to promote continuous improvement in planning and delivery. The framework is part of a new national self-assessment scheme for Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs), proposed by IS, where assessment will be held every two years. Self-Assessment: Public Service Improvement Framework | Improvement Service Improvement Service update on progress with the Local Government Transformation programme/ Solace. The programme aims to change how local government and other public bodies deliver local services to the public, based on partnership working, engagement and evidence gathering with communities and practitioners, and promoting innovation in the use of digital services and new technologies, to support improvement. More information on progress through the links here. Positive start to local government transformation programme | Improvement Service Solace/IS Transformation Programme | Improvement Service The latest Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan Annual Progress Report 2023/24, which suggests that there has been limited progress across the board against intermediate targets for child poverty Best Start, Bright Futures Tackling Child Poverty Progress Report 2023-24 - ( Publication of the most recent 2022/23 figures for Children living in households in relative poverty after housing costs. The results indicate that the number/ percentage of children living in this type of poverty in South Lanarkshire is now at the highest level recorded for at least 10 years, comparing to previous CECP published figures going back to 2013 e.g. just under 1 in 4 children (23.6%) in South Lanarkshire are living in relative poverty after housing costs in 2022/23 Child Poverty Statistics 2024 - End Child Poverty A recent FAI report that suggests that the introduction of the Scottish Child Payment, has contributed to reducing food bank use among select family types (single-parent households with children under 5/ households with older dependent children (aged 5- 16) Impact of the Scottish Child Payment on the need for food banks | FAI ( Publication of the results for a pilot programme ran by CAB’s in 9 different authorities (West Lothian, East Renfrewshire, City of Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, Clackmannanshire, North Lanarkshire, Stirlingshire, West Dunbartonshire, and Western Isles), during 2023, that tested various cash first methods (cards or vouchers to buy food or cash grants) as an alternative to food bank referrals 20240321_cas_food_insecurity_pilot.pdf |
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